One Year Later

Hello Hello

On this day, exactly a year ago, I grabbed my laptop, logged in to my WordPress account and I posted my first post. I had no idea what I was going to blog about. I had not thought it through but what I did know was that I wanted to share my story and my journey with you all. I didn’t even know who you were going to be but I knew that somewhere out there, someone would be interested.



A couple of weeks on I realised that it would be cool to show you how I make my things. Because I love making things and the sole purpose was for all of us to flourish. So here we are a year later. I hope that you have been flourishing and being the best version of you! The journey is never easy and I have shared my highs and lows with you. But as you can see we always come out on top.


So as we enter into the next year I hope that we continue to flourish and I am excited to bring you more DIYS! I hope you stick with TeteHumba coz you actually want to be a part of this!


Thank you so much for coming this far with me. Thank you to everyone who I have collaborated with, all the photographers who have helped me, the friends I have made and met and my family and friends that have supported me. I appreciate you all! I will be hosting a giveaway soon in celebration of this year and up for grabs will be an African Print Off-Shoulder top similar to the one I’m wearing and a wig both made by me. So keep a close watch on my social media platforms for details and instructions!

Let’s continue having fun, discovering and sharing!





    1. Thank you!!! That was me when I first started. You understand more as you go along. Im still learning. Just dont stop or give up. Also check out Mattieologie’s blog. She gives a lot of tips about blogging etc and she really helped me last year πŸ˜‰πŸ˜„

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